My Animal Crossing Shrine! Also my first shrine page :p
I might update this with some stuff from NH once I upload the stuff from my switch to my laptop.
Wild World! I had it way back on my Nintendo DS Lite. This was my first exposure to AC and is still my all-time favorite game.
The DS still works btw. I'll upload some pictures here when I can get around to it.
This was my house when I opened the game. Honestly props to younger me for decorating it nice lol! It was infested with roaches though.
Lucky! He was the first villager I could ever say was my favorite. He lived right next door to me in Wild World so I would always go and hang out in his house when I was a kid. I liked the Egyptian theme and I always thought he had a cute design. I haven't had the luck (no pun intended... or is it?) of having him be in any of my other games like New Leaf or New Horizons, but I do have him as my camp caretaker in pocket camp so there's that. Overall, favorite villager of all time 10/10
Here he is! I remember forcing him to not move away like five different times. Also the shirt design was mine from when I was nine? I think? I was young and I could never get them to stop wearing it.
Monique! Another villager from Wild World. Some people might say she's ugly but I love her design. Like Lucky, her house was right by mine in Wild World but I haven't had her in any game since. I love the snooty villagers though, although I miss when they were mean. But yeah, she's cool.
Heres Monique! She's also wearing one of my designs but a much better one this time.
At number three we have Spork! I love how goofy he looks, and the name of course. He was one of the first five villagers to move onto my NH island. He's absolutely one of my favorites on my island, and was the first to give me his picture which I proudly display in my kitchen in-game.
Idk if you can see him since he is camoflogue, but here's Camofrog! He was in both my WW and NH towns. While he still resides in my Wild World town, he has moved away from my New Horizons Island. He was literally always singing on my NH island, all the time. I have speakers set up all over my island so he was always standing by one of them singing. He kinda reminds me of my grandpa... for some reason. I kinda regret letting him move away in NH but I had like 3 cranky villagers at the time which felt like too many.
When I booted up the game and talked to him he asked to come over.
He only wanted to gossip the whole time lol! What does he have against Pierce though? (also young me named ourself Tabby? I honestly don't remember why, its not even remotely close to our deadname :P)
Muffy was one of my starters in NH, alongside Roald. I love her design so much. I still don't have her photo, and I refuse to let her leave until I get it. I feel bad that she got stuck with that god-awful starter home design when her actual house is wayyy cooler. #girlboss though, I love her.
This guy was also in both my WW and NH town. He's kinda the opposite of Camofrog since he's still on my NH island but has moved away from my WW town. He also loves singing for some reason. I like his name too. Rasher. It just sounds cool.
Tipper, another villager I've had in WW and NH (wow you can really tell I didn't play NL that much huh). I almost cried when I saw her on a mystery island ngl. She's just very sweet and tbh I just really like the cow villagers in general.
K.K Lament
Marine Song 2001
Hypno K.K
K.K Waltz
Stale Cupcakes
I hate Limberg with a passion. He was in my Wild World town and I bullied him relentlessly. He showed up as a camper in NH and I immediatley walked out. He gives me the ick. -10/10 disgusting.
That's literally it. Anything else isn't really like a "dislike" or "hate" it's more of a "meh".